are asking Europe to defend

At their core, Trump and his foreign policy cadre are asking Europe to defend itself with America acting as a backstop to deter, with nuclear weapons, further Russian aggression. Hegseth did not say so directly during his recent trip to the continent but overtly implied it when he said that NATO “will require our European allies to step into the

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coefficient relationships under

Currently, the key to breaking through China’s economic challenges lies in how to rebalance the coefficient relationships under the “threefold pressure”. On the investment side, the use of local government special bond funds needs to shift from “quantity” expansion to “quality” improvement, enhancing the industrial relevance of new in

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into three fundamental indicators

Specifically, ANBOUND’s Economic Growth Model builds upon the traditional “three pillars” framework and constructs an analytical framework of “three bases and three multipliers”, decomposing economic growth into three fundamental indicators: investment, consumption, and net exports, as well as three multiplier coefficients: technology, re

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In 1962, the American cultural

In 1962, the American cultural anthropologist Elman Service introduced a framework classifying evolutionary stages of social and political organization into four categories: band, tribe, chiefdom, and state. He focused on the managerial benefits of the theory, which posits that chiefdoms arose due to the advantages of centralized leadership and cul

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contributions to the global carbon

This will affect poor countries the most, whose contributions to the global carbon budget are negligible, if any. The impact will go beyond lower levels of financial aid, and into the domains of reduced technical assistance and capacity building. Africa – a vulnerable region with the highest concentration of least developed countries globally –

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